Frequently Asked Questions
Cardston FAQs
Where can I exchange currency?
TD, ATB, 1st Choice Savings, and RBC
Where can I wash my car in town?
OK Tire: 976 1 Ave W, Cardston, AB T0K 0K0
Phone:(403) 653-3812
Jack's Car Wash: 328 1 Ave W, Cardston, AB T0K 0K0
Where are the sani dumps in Cardston?
Lee Creek Campground
What is the Town of Cardston contact info?
403-653-5035 (After hours emergency)
67-3rd Avenue West
Box 280 Cardston, AB T0K 0K0
What are the Remington Carriage Museum hours of operation?
The Remington Carriage Museum is open year-round except for:
December 24 & 25, January 1, and Easter Sunday
Summer Hours - July 1st to August 31st
Monday-Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The remainder of the year - September 1st to June 30th
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday & Tuesday Closed
Where can I buy or exchange propane?
UFA and Extra Foods: exchange
D Service: sell and exchange
Can anyone go inside the Latter-Day Saint (Mormon) temple?
No, you need to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and hold a current temple recommend to get inside, but there is a visitors centre open to the general public. To learn more about Latter-Day Saint temples visit: churchofjesuschristtemples.org
What is the contact information to book the Reunion Centre?
Locally call: 403-388-4230 Toll-Free: 1-877-471-2267
What are the travel time and distances to popular tourist locations from Cardston?
Waterton Lakes National Park:
time = 29 min km = 42 miles = 26.1
Glacier National Park:
time = 37 min km = 55 miles = 34.2
Historic Fort Macleod:
time = 41 min km = 63 miles = 39.2
time = 55 min km = 79 miles = 49.1
time = 58 min km = 84 miles = 52.2
Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park:
time = 2 hours km = 162 miles = 100.7
time = 2 hours km = 208 miles = 129.3
time = 3 hours 52 min km = 358 miles = 222.5
What is the weather in Cardston?
Alberta FAQs
Where can I find campsites in Alberta?
Where can I find more information regarding Alberta's Provincial Parks?
How can I book a campground in an Alberta Provincial Park?
Regional FAQs
Is Going-To-The-Sun road open for travel?
What is closed in Waterton this year?
Canada FAQs
Where can I find hotels in Canada?
Where can I find camping sites in Canada?
How can I book a campground in one of Canada's National Parks?
What are the common speed limit conversions?
100km/h = 62mph
70km/h = 43.5mph
50km/h = 31mph
30km/h = 18.6mph
What are the distance conversions?
1 km = 0.621 miles
1 mile = 1.609km